Coriander, paprika, red pepper, tomatoes, dill, hmeli-suneli, garlic.
For lamb
Basil, mustard, coriander, nutmeg, paprica, allspice, black pepper, sumac, hmeli-suneli, thyme, garlic.
For red soup
Basil, bay leaf, lovage, onion, carrot, allspice, red pepper, black pepper, parsley, beet, tomatoes, dill, garlic.
For mulled wine
Star anise, clove, ginger, cardamon, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice.
For beef
Basil, mustard, coriander, onion, nutmeg, oregano, paprika, allspice, black pepper, rosemary, dill, thyme, garlic.
For dolma
Mustard, coriander, sesame, turmeric, onion, marjoram, nutmeg, allspice, blackpepper, celery.
For potatoes
Turmeric, onion, marjoram, black pepper, dill, thyme.
For potatoes with paprika
Paprica, onion, marjoram, black pepper, dill, thyme.
For Korean carrot
Coriander, paprica, black pepper, garlic.
For rabbit
Basil, clove, coriander, cinnamon, bay leaf, onion, oregano, black pepper, parsley, rosemary, celery, dill, thyme, garlic.
For chicken
Basil, ginger, coriander, sesame, turmeric, onion, black pepper, parsley, garlic.
For meat
Mustard, coriander, onion, nutmeg, paprica, allspice, red pepper, black pepper, dill, garlic.
Onion, thyme, dill, mint, persley, fenugreek.
For omelet
Basil, coriander, sesame, turmeric, onion, marjoram, carrot, allspice, black pepper, parsley.
For pizza
Basil, ginger, coriander, sesame, onion, marjoram, oregano, paprica, red pepper, garlic.
For pilaf
Basil, coriander, turmeric, onion, carrot, paprica, black pepper, garlic, cumin.
For fish
Coriander, turmeric, onion, marjoram, carrot, celery, dill.
For classic bacon
Basil, coriander, paprica, allspice, black pepper, dill, thyme, garlic
For Bavarian-style bacon
Basil, mustard, white sesame, black sesame, paprica, red pepper, black pepper, sumac, garlic.
For Hungarian-style bacon
Basil, coriander, paprica, black pepper, chilli, garlic.
For salting herring
Cloves, coriander, bay leaf, allspices, black pepper, dill.
For soup
Basil, bay leaf, onion, marjoram, carrot, allspice, green pepper, black pepper, parsley, celery, dill, garlic.
For fish soup
Turmeric, bay leaf, onion, carrot, allspice, black pepper, parsley, garlic.
For minced meat
Mustard, ginger, coriander, onion, marjoram, nutmeg, red pepper, black pepper, parsley, garlic.
For barbecue
Basil, mustard, cardamon, paprica, black pepper, parsley, dill, thyme, garlic.
Italian herbs
Basil, oregano, parsley, thyme, garlic.
Mix Mexican Taco
Basil, mustard, onion, marjoram, paprica, red pepper, black pepper, chilli, parsley, caraway, garlic.
Provencal herbs
Basil, marjoram, mint, oregano, rosemary, thyme.
Mix of vegetables
Onion, carrot, red pepper, green pepper.
4 peppers
Black pepper, pink pepper, green pepper, white pepper.
Budjak Salt
Basil, coriander, black pepper, parsley, dill, hmeli-suneli, thyme, garlic, salt.
Cardamon, turmeric, fennel, coriander, cumin, clove, ginger, white pepper, chili pepper, fenugreek, salt.
Khmeli suneli
Basil, coriander, bay leaf, marjoram, mint, chilli, parsley, celery, dill, fenugreek, thyme.